OPERA – “Organising and Promoting Energy to Restart Activity”

The O.P.E.R.A. project aims to promote employment by supporting sole traders, microenterprises and social entrepreneurship within priority cross-border channels linked to blue and green growth: sustainable tourism, new energy, eco-activities, blue economy, etc. The project aims to support entrepreneurial projects geared toward recovery or starting new business ventures due to industrial and economic crises. The project creates communal services to support people who are unemployed or starting out on new career paths: support centres for individual and collective vocational retraining projects, support for experimental “worker-buy-out” and “spin-off” projects within cross-border channels indicated by the programme, promoting the cooperative framework to welcome new businesses, etc. The project is funded by the Italy-France Maritime Territorial Cooperation programme 2014-2020 (ERDF Co-financing €1,695,138.13, total budget €1,994,280.15).

Target audiences

  • workers in industrial sectors under crisis’s in partner regions who have either been laid off or are at risk of being laid off
  • employees of struggling companies that want to take on “worker-buy-out” or “spin-off” experiments
  • unemployed people – especially those who want to create their own companies or retrain to start out on new career paths


Planned activities

  • Creating communal methods to define the support services that need to be implemented in accordance with the opportunities and needs that have been identified within the priority economic channels of the Italy-France Maritime Cooperation Area
  • Activating support services for workers and unemployed people in the cooperation zone by creating regional support centres and committee rooms to meet local needs as best as possible
  • Using communal intervention tools and models based on management/worker-buy-out templates and spin-offs from existing companies or by creating new companies
  • Creating a database of jobs and structural resources (machinery, equipment, facilities, industrial areas and hangars) that are available after crisis situations.



– Regione Liguria (chef de file)

– ADEC – Agence de Développement Économique de la Corse

– A.R.CO.S.S. – Agenzia Regionale Confcooperative per lo sviluppo in Sardegna S.r.l.

– ASPAL Agenzia Sarda per la Politiche Attive del Lavoro

– ATENA Centro Servizi Confcooperative Genova

– CDE Petra Patrimonia

– Regione Toscana – UNISCO Toscana s.r.l.


About this project : http://interreg-maritime.eu/fr/web/o.p.e.r.a./projet